- Superannuation Guarantee will remain the same at 9.5%
- Maximum Superannuation Contributions Base for 2017/18 is $52,760 per quarter / $211,040 per year – this is indexed annually. For any earnings above this limit, employers do not have to pay SG Contributions.
- Concessional Contributions Cap – has changed to $25,000 annually regardless of age
- The Temporary Budget Repair Levy that was introduced in 2015/16 for those who earn over $180,000 has ceased
- The Medicare Levy remains the same at 2%
- The income testing levels for the Private Health Insurance Rebate for this year have remained the same at $90,000 for singles and $180,000 for families
- The new HELP / TSL / SSL / (HECS) rates can be found here
- As in previous years, the cents per kilometre rate remains the same at 66 cents per kilometre. Up to 5,000 business kilometres can be claimed without paying tax. If paying in addition to 5,000 kilometres or more than 66cents, tax should be withheld from the applicable portion
- The National Minimum Wage has changed to $694.90 per week
- The Government Paid Parental Leave has changed to $695.00 per week